Written by: Wallace Merriman

Join My Online ZOOM Virtual Bootcamp
Posted on:Apr 4, 2020

Most of us are home right now. With our routines thrown off, it can be hard to say, “Let me get off the couch and go exercise”. Your gym may be closed, but that doesn’t mean you need to skip your group workout. Get the structure you need from a real-time, live-streaming fitness class that I put together using ZOOM.

No gym membership? No problem! You can get fit at home. Make sure you clear enough space so you don’t bump into furniture, throw down a yoga mat or towel and let’s get busy! 👌 Live streaming fitness classes that you can join from anywhere using a laptop, tablet or smartphone. The best part is you can stay anonymous if you don’t want anyone to see you because you control your camera!

You might be surprised at what you can do in the comfort of your own home. Get your heart pounding, sweat pouring, and calories burning with a HIIT workout. You know I am a big fan of HIIT workouts👍.

HIIT is a short acronym that means High-Intensity Interval Training.  HIIT boils down to a pretty straightforward definition: alternating between periods of all-out effort and rest or active recovery. That is what my classes are based on. HIIT is good news for mental and physical health, with loads of benefits that are all backed by science: It improves your cardio fitness, preserves muscle mass during weight loss, revs your metabolism and more.

How Does It Work?

It’s easy to follow any of my live Bootcamps. All you need is an internet connection, a few pieces of equipment, and connect to the class through the ZOOM platform. Remember, you don’t need to turn on your camera so you can privately join these sessions if you want to.

I use Zoom meeting software to stream all the Bootcamps.

It’s safesecureprivate and easy!

Zoom is available on all desktop and mobile platforms for IOS, Android and Windows.

Who Uses It?

The sessions offer flexibility for even the busiest person, The online virtual bootcamps can be done in the comfort of your own home with minimal equipment. Most of the workouts will be 30-40 minutes.

I decided to run several classes per week at different dates and times for people to try the classes for free or a small donation. After April 12, 2020, the sessions will be $8 per session.

Session Dates:

You can visit my website to keep up to date with the sessions. https://link.youb.fit/Online-bootcamp

You can also group my Facebook group to stay current and connect with like-minded people like yourself: https://www.facebook.com/groups/491918971685082/

Don’t forget to use the hashtag #LetsMoveTogether15 #youbfitzoombootcamp

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