Should you choose peanuts or whole grain pretzels if you are at a party and trying to manage your weight? The answer depends on your genes.
Think of your genes like the instruction manual for your body. Some of us have genes that tell our body to absorb fat in excessive amounts and store it as body fat. Other people may have genes that say absorb carbohydrate and store it as fat. Just like some people can digest milk and some people cannot. When you know which foods your genes say you should store as fat, you can better manage your weight.
It seems there a million different ways to lose weight. What it all comes down to, though, is a balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins — the building blocks of nutrition. What if a DNA test could make the decision for you and tell you the best diet to follow with just a simple cotton swab inside your cheek? The test examines six of your different genes. These genes determine digestion and metabolism rate, and some studies have shown a correlation between them. By analyzing the genes’ interactions, Inherent Health places you in one of six categories that reflect the food intake and exercise levels that your body will best respond to. You we be able to determine the right percentage of carbs, fat and protein for your body, and the right type of exercise. Everyone has their own genetic markers that tell your personal human story and it never changes. Once you unlock your personal key, we can personalize a nutrition and exercise program based on your genetics.
According to research at Stanford University, you can lose 2 to 3 times more weight when you match your diet to your genes. Here is how we found this out. First the researchers at Stanford wanted to see which diet was the best. So they randomly assigned people to a low carb diet like Atkins or the Zone or a low fat diet like Ornish or the Learn Program. After 1 year, some people lost a lot of weight on each diet and some people lost a little weight on each diet. So the researchers concluded that all diets are equally effective or ineffective. BUT then the gene people came along and said, “can we look at the weight management genes of the people in your study?”. When they did, they found that if you were lucky enough to be randomly assigned to the diet that matched your genes, you were the one who lost lots of weight in that group. If you were unlucky and got randomly assigned to the diet that did NOT match your genes, you did not lose much weight on the diet.
To test which genes, you have we swab the inside of your cheek to collect some cells and send it off to a state-of-the-art CLIA certified lab. You get your results in 7 to 10 days.
The test will give you suggestions for exercise and diet. Today we will mainly focus on the diet recommendations. Your genes will tell us whether you need to be a fat trimmer and watch fat or a carb reducer and limit carbs. But both plans do not severely limit your fats or carbs. So they are more easy to follow long term. We will then look at your gene results and your usual food intake and marry the two so the plan fits you.
The test is performed at a state-of-the-art CLIA certified lab. The cost is normally $169.00. We will provide a discount, so your cost will be $165.00. This is reasonable compared to weight management plans with pre-packaged meals or weeks of group meetings. Most insurances do cover the nutrition counseling that is needed to design the eating plan based on your usual diet and the test results. Most importantly, you will get personal one-on-one coaching from You Be Fit to help you along the way to effective weight loss and keep it off.
Your genes do not change so this is a onetime investment and you know what works for you instead of trying the latest diet on the book shelves just to find it doesn’t fit you.
The Science Behind the Weight Management Genetic Test
About Inherent Health and Interleukin Genetics:
To purchase the Weight Management Genetic Test. Cost $165.00