Written by: Wallace Merriman

Do What You Say You’re Going to Do #youbfitquicktip
Posted on:Jul 7, 2017

You Don’t Do Things You Feel like Doing; You Have To Decide to Do It.

Listen, we are all human.  We all make mistakes.  We forget.  We fail.  We procrastinate.  The point here is not to make this a habit.  If you’re known as someone who doesn’t meet promises and expectations, you will face the consequences.  Strive to be someone of your word.  Especially when it’s a “small thing,” make sure you do it.  After all, if you fail at the “little stuff,” no one will trust you with the “big stuff.”

We are our own worst critics — berating ourselves of our flaws and shortcomings. Who among us is not haunted by failings and mistakes? The seven deadly sins are lust, greed, gluttony, sloth, envy, anger, and pride are alive and well in all of us — along with fear, resentment, pettiness, gossip, and all the rest. Sometimes, it’s hard to love ourselves when we’re all-too-aware of the part of us that others don’t see.

Another reason we also have difficulty acting in our own best interest is because immediate pleasure exerts a stronger influence than concern for long-term health. Chocolate now is more appealing than weight loss later. A purchase today feels more pleasurable than a savings account balance at the end of the month. We Americans, in particular, have a hard time delaying gratification. We want what we want and we want it — now.

Try this, the next time you feel like quitting.

Drop “should” and “ought” from your vocabulary. “Should” and “ought” are negative words — certain to de-motivate you. Instead of “should” and “ought,” try using “want and will.” It’s a positive word that is more likely to get good results. Example: “I want and will to be fit and trim,” instead of, “I should lose weight.” See the difference?  I like the word will.  “I will lose weight.”

“I Will” is a powerful word!

Do What You Say You’re Going to Do
