Written by: Wallace Merriman

Your Daily Eating Plan For Success
You have to fuel your body all day. Consider your body as a locomotive. That train needs coal for fuel to keep it running. Your body needs energy all day to keep it running.
So here is what I want you to do. For the next twenty-four hours, I challenge you to simply plan out a single day of eating.
Then do this every day. By writing down what you will eat daily makes things happen and keeps you accountable to yourself.
The next thing you need to do is throw out the junk food in the house! That’s what I call your kryptonite. Superman had a weakness, well so do you.
The food you eat should energize you, empower you, and set you up for success and not cloud your mind and sap your physical and mental energy. That means you will need to choose your foods wisely.
So here are some ideas you should add to your daily eating plan.
BREAKFAST. Choose foods such as eggs, egg whites, turkey sausage, whole-grain bread or cereal, and fresh fruits. Listen, there is tons of research shows that breakfast eaters are leaner, have fewer nutrient deficiencies, and have sharper thinking skills than people who go without. Plus, you are breaking a fast “Breakfast” get it 🙂
Before lunch, go for a Healthy Snack. Good snacks include yogurt, smoothies made with nut butters, raw veggies, nuts, seeds, and fresh fruit.
LUNCH. Choose foods such as lean proteins—tuna, poultry, deli meat (nitrate free), and so on—along with greens and other vegetables. Go for high protein, It increases afternoon alertness and is better for satisfying your hunger. Consuming too many carbs can trigger a post-lunch dip, leaving you feeling sluggish and mentally slow.
Before dinner, go for a Healthy Snack. Stick to high-protein snacks, such as smaller portions of a protein, a vegetable, and maybe a piece of fruit. This combination helps maintain your blood sugar at consistent levels.
Why should you snack? Because if you go too long without eating, or you’ll experience dips in blood sugar, which cause fatigue, irritability, and a tendency to lose focus easily. And avoid snacking on so many sweets it will most likely result in spikes in your blood sugar and then a drop in energy levels.
Skipping meals, in general, can slow down the metabolic rate, enlarge fat stores, increase daytime drowsiness, and affect concentration.
DINNER. Go for more high protein foods. Choose foods such as lean proteins—tuna, poultry, deli meat (nitrate free), and so on—along with greens and other vegetables, plus starchy natural carbs such as red potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, or whole-grain pasta.
When choosing vegetables, “go for the rainbow”. What that means is keep your “color count” high. Eat five to six vegetables in different colors every day. Purple cabbage, red and yellow bell peppers, dark green lettuce, spinach, carrots, green beans, and pumpkin are good food choices to maximize your nutrition.
After dinner snacks. Yes, you can have an after dinner snack. It’s a myth that this causes you to get fat. There are plenty of studies that show people who eat an evening snack burned up exactly the same number of calories as others who ate the same meal earlier in the day. But not eating all day and indulging at dinner will absolutely screw up your metabolism in a negative way.
So back to your snacks, that would be a protein shake made with light carbs such as almond milk and berries. Or even some nut butter, raw veggies, nuts, seeds, and fresh fruit. That late night can provide you with some serotonin. That’s a feel-good chemical in the brain that helps you fall asleep. So there you go.
Thanks, Wallace, so that means I can have a snack late at night. See here you go. Yes and No, I said a healthy snack, not the one you are thinking about.
See, you are talking about Highly processed snack foods.
So you are talking about the food I want you to avoid. That’s what I called your kryptonite. Remember, the food I said you need to get out of your house!
YOU NEED TO AVOID JUNK FOOD. Highly processed foods are anything with white bread or made of white flour, sugary foods, and drinks, deep-fried stuff. They are not going to help your daily eating plan because they fall seriously short of providing you with the sustained energy and variety of nutrients you need for daily activity and for exercise.
I challenge you for the next twenty-four hours to simply plan out a single day of eating. Then do this every day. By writing down what you will eat daily makes things happen and keeps you accountable to yourself.
Are you ready for the challenge?