
Online Personal Training
I pride myself on the highest level of training, nutrition & support systems for each of my clients. The process is devised solely around you, your goals & your body type. Each plan is individual in goal setting & calculation; thus, yours wouldn’t work for anyone but you. Personalized and customized, one-on-one training that is all about YOU!

Weight Loss
The focus of weight-loss is a combined effort between proper nutrition and proper exercise. There is no promise of overnight and/or rapid weight loss. The program involves steady, deliberate weight-loss in a way that makes it more difficult to gain the weight back once you’ve reached your goal.

Virtual Bootcamps
Online Virtual Bootcamps is a great affordable and flexible option for many people. You have the convenience to workout from the comfort of your home and when it fits your schedule. It’s an incredible way to stay motivated, stay accountable & make the process of getting to your best self so much more satisfying.

Personalized Online Coaching
All packages include a free strategy session/consultation & goal-setting process where we will break down your goals over the time scale we have to work with, discuss a plan of action to get into your best shape with as much life balance as possible.

Nutritional Planning
Building muscle, losing fat, and getting stronger isn’t a matter of effort. Combining an understanding of nutrition, goal-aligned eating habits, and an environment that supports will allow you to get closer to your goals. An individual’s diet is even more important than the exercises they do to accomplish their goals.

Goal Setting
Setting weight loss goals is probably one of the more difficult steps of a weight loss program. How much do you need to lose, and how do you calculate that number? The way most of us approach it is to choose a number based on what we used to weigh or, perhaps, what we’ve always wanted to weigh. But is that a realistic goal? We help create realistic goals and provide you the tools to meet them.
what They’re Saying
Client Testimonials
I lost 45 pounds in 2020 (during a pandemic, as a single mom, buying a house, and getting a new job) with coaching from Wallace Merriman, and now I am ready to get into swimsuit shape! No excuses!!
Within a short 6 weeks, I was able to gain buns and guns (inside joke) lol.
I have learned the correlation of drinking tons of water and eating frequently.
Thank you Wallace, thank you “You be Fit”!